
I received this from a friend, and it is such a great reminder for me…

Just to focus on the daily things now… More to come!


“You can only grow by letting go.” ~ Melanie M. Koulouris
If you want to fly and move on to better things, you have to give up the things that weigh you down – which is not always as obvious and easy as it sounds.
Starting today, give up…
  1. Letting the opinions of others control your life. – People know your name, not your story.  They’ve heard what you’ve done, but not what you’ve been through.  So take their opinions of you with a grain of salt.  In the end, it’s not what others think, it’s what you think about yourself that counts.  Sometimes you have to do exactly what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.
  2. The shame of past failures. – You will fail sometimes, and that’s okay.  The faster you accept this, the faster you can get on with being brilliant.  Your past does not equal your future.  Just because you failed yesterday; or all day today; or a moment ago; or for the last six months; or for the last sixteen years, doesn’t have any impact on the current moment.  All that matters is what you do right now.  Read Awaken the Giant Within.
  3. Being indecisive about what you want. – You will never leave where you are until you decide where you would rather be.  It’s all about finding and pursuing your passion.  Neglecting passion blocks creative flow.  When you’re passionate, you’re energized.  Likewise, when you lack passion, your energy is low and unproductive.  Energy is everything when it comes to being successful.  Make a decision to figure out what you want, and then pursue it passionately.
  4. Procrastinating on the goals that matter to you. – There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.  Follow your intuition.  Don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do.  When there is love and inspiration, you can’t go wrong.  And whatever it is you want to do, do it now.  There are only so many tomorrows.  Trust me, in a year from now, you will wish you had started today.
  5. Choosing to do nothing. – You don’t get to choose how you are going to die, or when.  You can only decide how you are going to live, right now.  Every day is a new chance to choose.  Choose to change your perspective.  Choose to flip the switch in your mind from negative to positive.  Choose to turn on the light and stop fretting about with insecurity and doubt.  Choose to do work that you are proud of.  Choose to see the best in others, and to show your best to others.  Choose to truly LIVE, right now.
  6. Your need to be right. – If you keep on saying you’re right, even if you are right now, eventually you will be wrong.  Aim for success, but never give up your right to be wrong.  Because when you do, you will also lose your ability to learn new things and move forward with your life. Read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  7. Running from problems that should be fixed. – We make lifeharder than it has to be.  The difficulties started when… conversations became texting, feelings became subliminal, sex became a game, the word ‘love’ fell out of context, trust faded as honesty waned, insecurities became a way of living, jealously became a habit, being hurt started to feel natural, and running away from it all became our solution.  Stop running!  Face these issues, fix the problems, communicate, appreciate, forgive and LOVE the people in your life who deserve it.
  8. Making excuses rather than decisions. – Life is a continuous exercise in creative problem solving.  A mistake doesn’t become a failure until you refuse to correct it. Thus, most long-term failures are the outcome of people who make excuses instead of decisions.
  9. Overlooking the positive points in your life. – What you see often depends entirely on what you’re looking for.  Do your best and surrender the rest.  When you stay stuck in regret of the life you think you should have had, you end up missing the beauty of what you do have.  You will have a hard time ever being happy if you aren’t thankful for the good things in your life right now.  Read The Happiness Project.
  10. Not appreciating the present moment. – We do not remember days, we remember moments.  Too often we try to accomplish something big without realizing that the greatest part of life is made up of the little things.  Live authentically and cherish each precious moment of your journey.  Because when you finally arrive at your desired destination, I guarantee you, another journey will begin.
By. Marc and Angela “Hack Life”

Chom reap suor!  (Hello!)

I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing these past three days have been!  I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep friday night because of my excitement to see the kids on Saturday and much to my surprise, some of the older girls and boys greeted us at the airport!  Words can’t even express how incredibly happy I was to see them and to get hugs that I have missed so much.

Saturday we toured the place where prisoners were kept during the Pol Pot genocide in the 70’s.  This was my second visit and I think even harder this time after getting to know the culture, the amazing people of Cambodia, and the know individual stories of those I have meet.  My heart hurt so much seeing some of the faces that didn’t survive, and it was a reminder of what this country has survived and trying to heal from.

Next we headed to the orphanage for an American wedding in Cambodia.  All 100 of the orphans from the three orphanages were there and sang and danced.  So awesome to see and be a part of.  Then the team got to meet all of the kids and connect with them.  Loved seeing them immediately gravitate to the awesome people on the team, and to see my team members automatically love the kids.

We went to church Sunday morning and then to the beach.  The kids only get to go once a year and their excitement is just awesome to see.  There were footballs being thrown, soccer balls kicked, sand castles built, a lot of swimming and riding the waves holding onto beach balls, so much laughter it was music to my ears, and very fresh seafood eaten.  Even the bus was a good time as kids and us adults went to the front with the mic and sang songs.  I spent a lot of the time holding hands, rubbing backs, giving kisses, and just loving on the kids.  It was almost like I haven’t been away for so long.

Tomorrow is my group’s day, titled “Be a Star”.  We are teaching songs, performing skits from the Bible and making the costumes/props, arts & crafts, and basing the day on Matthew 5:14-16 which says, “You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  We want the kids to know how incredibly important they are, how much they are loved by God, and that they can have an eternal impact on the world.  Please be praying for the team and for the kids!

Please check our team blog also at

Thanks for your prayers, love, and support!  I’ll keep you updated!


Dear friends and family,

On Thursday, July 21st our short-term team will be on our way to Cambodia!  I am so excited about our team and can’t wait to see those beautiful faces to kiss and hug tightly!

A few weeks ago, I received news that the Orphanage is no longer available as a place for me to live, so I will no longer be staying long-term.  This came as very unexpected news and has taken awhile for me to really process.  I am very sad that I am unable to stay, because over the last eleven months, I have been looking at their pictures and counting down the days.

After a lot of praying, talking to Carol (Fallen Sparrow Foundation) and several others, and looking at my budget, we have decided that it is best for my safety and well-being that I not live in an apartment on my own.  I have let the Pastor and his wife know that it may be possible for me to come at a later date for long term if the Orphanage became available or if I were to have an American to be my roommate.

At this time, God has given me peace that I found out when I did in order to make the decisions I needed to make to stay here without a lot of disruption.  Because of His faithfulness, I know that God is in control, He has a plan for my life, and I am just patiently waiting to see what’s next!  Please pray for me to find a job- the one in which God wants me to be in and can use me the most.  I have some leads but please pass along anything you may think would be a good fit for me!

As of now, my plane ticket is one-way.  I am seeing if staying a couple of weeks after the team leaves is an option to try to help get things started and of course, to spend time with the kids.  I am thinking I will need make a decision this week.  Please pray that I make the best choice for myself and for the kids as far as my return date from Cambodia.

Please continue to pray for me, for the team of twelve amazing people that I am going with, and that the children and community will continue to be receptive to us and Christ.  We have an incredible week planned including a trip to the beach and three days of making sure that each child feels special, loved, and blessed by God.  My prayer is that they know they are God’s children, how incredible loved they are, and that they can shine bright for Jesus in their dark country.  These children can help change the future of Cambodia!

If you would still like to contribute to our team’s short term mission during July 21st through the 31st, Please join us through giving by donations through the church…

~ Going to

~ Click on “give” in the top right corner.

~ Fill out your contact information

~ Next to “Country” select “Cambodia – Phnom Penh” in the drop-down box

~ Next to “Trip” select “Cambodia – Phnom Penh Orphanage – 07/21/11-07/31/11”

~ Next to “Individual” please enter my name, Lindsay Kramer

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support over the last few months in my time of preparation.  I can’t wait to see the kids in just a few weeks and see how God will continue to use me in their lives… I already know He is going to bless me and our time with them!  Please let me know how I can be praying for you!

Our team blog is

Thank you so much for your support!


by His grace,


Six years ago, I was introduced to a man… a man like I had never met before and one that would change my life forever.  All the men before changed my life but never in a positive way.

He listened to my crazy talk and my hurt, and He understood where I was coming from… yet He still listened to me without judgement.  Even now when I do crazy things, He just shakes His head at me and invites me into His loving arms.

When I told Him I was angry and how hurt I was that He wasn’t there when I needed Him the most and asked, “Why me?!?”… He told me He was there trying to comfort me, but I had my eyes closed so tightly that I didn’t see Him there and I wasn’t listening so I didn’t hear Him trying to speak to me in my time of desperation.

When I questioned why He said what He did, and why I should believe Him after everything I had been through… He was patient with me, loved me and didn’t leave me even though I tried to push Him away at times.  He showed me that He is the only Truth, the only Way, and the only Life… and that He would use all of those things to bless my future and those that I would be able to bless because of my past.

This relationship has taken time for us to build, more so for me to understand… the trust, the patience, the unconditional love, the not having to perform or measure up, and the list goes on.  I am not perfect so I know I at times hurt Him, but He still stays because He loves me and He knows my heart is changing.  He knows I am not the same hurt, lost, and broken wreck that I was when I finally opened my eyes and really saw Him.

He sees the woman I am that is worthy of the absolute best, one that is full of His joy, confidence that He has given me because of knowing my worth in Him, and so much potential as long as I keep my eyes focused on Him and Him alone.  A woman that is doing everything in her present to make her future exceed what others may expect her future to be because of her past.  That is how big my God is.  His plans are bigger than I could have ever dreamed of or ever hoped for, and I am still trying to grasp how much He has blessed me and all that He has trusted me with.  My life radically changed that day that I met Jesus and I know that I would be nothing if I had not met Him that day in October 2004 and I am so grateful that He pursued me relentlessly, loves me unconditionally, and continues to blow me away with His plans for my life of bringing glory to His name and shining bright for Him!

Wow! Reality is really setting in for me now.. only twelve weeks and the plane takes off for Cambodia… One-way ticket! I turned in my notice at work, for my apartment, am starting to pack, have started Khmer language lessons, and things are coming together for plans when I get there. It is definitely bittersweet having to say goodbye to all of the amazing people in my life, but I know that God has called me to serve Cambodia and to share His love, light, and truth with the people there. In addition to the two hours of English I will teach to the orphans five days a week and of course the english they will learn from me with me living with them, there are already bigger plans that God has for me!

I recently spoke to Sameoun, the Pastor’s wife, and she explained that we will have a children’s service at the church for the city kids in the morning at the church. Then in the afternoon, I will provide a children’s service for the orphan’s at the orphanage and we will be able to invite the children from the surrounding villages! This excites me so much! The love and hope that God has brought into my life has been incredible and for us to be able to do that not only for the children of the church and the orphanage, but also for the kids that would not normally be able to go to church… WOW! God’s plans are always so much bigger and better!

In the last two months, several of you have either already sent in or pledged to send 100% of the funds I need to get to Cambodia and get established as a resident. THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!! And so far I have raised almost 60% of what I need financially monthly. These monthly funds not only support me to live, but also supports me being a teacher for the kids educational needs for learning English, me developing the children’s ministry and the materials needed to do so, and many other ways God will use the funds to provide a better future for these amazing children. I know that God will provide the rest because I see so much potential in these children and I know that they will be the change that Cambodia needs. Will you partner with me to make this possible? Please know that anything is appreciated! I would love partners of $20 per month. Maybe have your children be a “Jr. Partner” and participate by having them write letters to the kids? This is an incredible experience for the kids, as I have seen it happen with my kids at the church as well as my students hearing about the orphans from my trips. I will be sending out newsletters to keep connected with everyone. And of course want to know what’s going on with everyone back in the USA!

I will not be earning a salary while I am in Cambodia and am going as a volunteer through the Fallen Sparrow Foundation. The Foundation was initially set up to help provide the needs to the children through sponsorship, and their website is The Fallen Sparrow Foundation is a licensed 501(c)(3) and all donations will be tax deductible. When making a donation by check, please remember to put my name in the “For:” line. I would suggest setting up a monthly auto-pay with your bank. Also, please respond to me and let me know of the amount of your donation and commitment so that I may keep a record of it as well. The payments need to start August 1st please! Make checks payable to: Fallen Sparrow Foundation c/o Carol McKown 3338 Peachtree Road #3407 Atlanta, GA 30326 You can make a one-time online donation but a small percentage is taken out. If you choose to do so, please email me so that I can let the Foundation know that the donation is for me.

Here is a link to another video… Meet Narin. I love to tell him to smile big because he has a beautiful smile! He is so grateful to have a place that he knows he will be fed and is having the chance to learn. But this time, he is teaching me to read/speak Khmer! I have a lot to learn! Enjoy!

Speak Up.

Powerful words.
They can crush.
Or cure.
Or curse.

Seemingly small.
Words shape our future.
Define our destiny.
Seal our fate.
They can lead us to ruin.
Or build like precious stones.

When the heart is squeezed.
It speaks.
Because what is within.
Ultimately fills our mouths.
In time, we say.
What we think.

The tongue is a force.
The mouth a fountain.
Of evil.
Or good.
So we must speak well.
We must speak up.

-Louie Giglio

Dear Family and Friends,

I am writing this letter to ask you to be a part of my next chapter in God’s amazing story.  In exactly five months, I will board a plane for my second short term mission trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to spend a long week with the same kids that stole my heart last July.  However, this time when the teams are at the airport in Siem Reap to board a returning flight to the U.S., I will stay behind and return to the orphanage to make the orphanage apartment a place I will call home for the next few years.  God has called me to fulfill a mission and unknowingly to me, it began last summer when I met thirty-three amazing orphans.

Please take the time to watch this video I made before continuing to read the rest of the letter so that you can better understand what God has been revealing to me over the last seven months…

Did you know that God’s heart is especially tender toward orphans?  Over and over in Scripture, God speaks to the needs of orphans and uses our care and compassion for them as a judge of our faith.  In Isaiah 1:17, God says we should defend the cause of the fatherless.  In James, we are told that the true religion that God accepts as faultless and pure is to look after orphans and widows.  I am saying YES to God’s plea on behalf of the orphans.  God has been so incredibly faithful to me, and has given me a life that I still can’t believe I am living.  He has spoken a mission into my heart for Cambodia and these children so I am saying, “YES, God!  I will care for them and love them as You do!”

I will be living at the orphanage in Phnom Penh and teaching English five days a week to all of the age groups.  There is the hope that the effort will extend to the two other orphanages that New Life Church owns and runs.  In addition, I will be helping to disciple the children’s leader at New Life Church – working to plant the seed of faith of Christ in Cambodia and helping to develop the ministry. I have seen the importance of planting the seed through my experiences with working with children over the past six years and these children are the future leaders of Cambodia.  As Jesus says in Mark 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  These children are the ones who will shine God’s bright light to their dark country and I am incredibly excited to be a very small part of that!

I plan to go as long as God calls me, but I am raising support right now for two years.  My greatest need is monthly support of $1,200 and I am asking for a two year commitment.  My hope and prayer is that God will provide 60 partners to commit to at least $20 a month for the two years.  I will also need to raise a total of $7,000 initially, which includes the short term trip and the funds to get established, so one time donations will be incredibly helpful as well.  I will need to begin raising funds now as it is only five months away!  Will you join me in the next chapter of HIS Story in Cambodia?  Please know that any amount is truly appreciated and I am so incredibly grateful that you are willing to support me investing in these amazing children so that they may have an abundant and joy-filled life of knowing God’s love as I do.

I will not be earning a salary while I am in Cambodia and am going as a volunteer through the Fallen Sparrow Foundation.  The Foundation was initially set up to help provide the needs to the children through sponsorship, and their website is The Fallen Sparrow Foundation is a licensed 501(c)(3) and all donations will be tax deductible.  When making a donation by check, please remember to put my name in the “For:” line.  I would suggest setting up a monthly auto-pay with your bank.  Also, please respond to me and let me know of the amount of your donation and commitment so that I may keep a record of it as well.  Make checks payable to:

Fallen Sparrow Foundation

c/o Carol McKown

3338 Peachtree Road #3407

Atlanta, GA 30326

Of course, there is so much more to the story than I can put on this paper.  I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to share the incredible move of God in my life in the last year and to introduce you to “my” children.  If you would like for me to come and speak to your Sunday School class, your small group, your missions committee, or anyone else you feel might be passionate about helping orphans in Cambodia know the love of Christ, please contact me as soon as possible.  I am thrilled to share all the details of this amazing journey!

As I prepare to leave in less than five months, I also ask that you partner with me in your prayers.  Please pray for the kids and for their needs to be provided for, for the people of Cambodia to open their hearts and minds to the love of Jesus Christ, and for the missionaries that are already there spreading the Word of God.  Please pray for me personally: emotionally, mentally, and spiritually against the warfare I am up against. I also need your prayers as I prepare to move, as I prepare to plan the curriculum for teaching English and the curriculum for the ministry, and for the adjustment of moving across the world!  As Jesus asked Peter to step out of the boat in Matthew 14:29 by the simple word, “Come”, I am going to take that huge step of faith.  I pray that He will use me in every way possible and that I will allow Him to do so with childlike faith.

You have played a part in planting the seed of Christ in me, have helped water that seed to grow into me being able to say, “Yes” to Jesus asking me to “Come”, and now I want to help plant that seed in the children and the people of Cambodia.  I want to do for Cambodia, what you have done and are doing for me.  God has blessed me beyond belief and I can’t wait to see what He writes in the next chapter of my life.  His plans are always bigger than mine so I can’t wait to see what He has planned for me and, of course, for “my” children… Will you be a part of this next chapter in HIS Story with me?  I pray that you will consider sponsoring me!  I am so excited to be on this amazing journey with all of you!  It’s only by His amazing grace…

~Shine Bright~


“You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”  -Matthew 5:14-16

It is not the activity of the wicked that will destroy, but rather the inactivity of the righteous…


The Saturday before my team left on the short term mission trip, a man named Philip spoke at our retreat.  To hear him tell his story and how God brought him back to life, actually physically brought him back to life, and how he would travel miles to go to church was amazing.  He was bold and shared Jesus with his family even though he thought his family would hate him.  God prompted him to share Jesus with them and slowly the people around Philip came to know God.  He shared his amazing story for about an hour and I sat engaged and somehow feeling involved in the story… I felt like Philip was speaking to me the whole time as if there was no one else in the room.  He repeatedly told us that when God tells him to go, he does.  “I will go to Cambodia”, he said.

Team Retreat

When I first came back from the short term trip, I immediately contacted Philip to share with him that I wasn’t at all sure but I thought maybe, just maybe, I could go back to Cambodia.  When I shared that I felt like God was telling me something, his immediate excitement was so incredibly contagious and the words, “You are a part of our team” came pouring out of his mouth.  And since that day early in August, it has been exactly that.  The Chung family and I are a part of God’s team going to Cambodia… they are my family.

Meeting the rest of the family for the first time

Philip and Grace felt God’s call to Cambodia about two years ago and have been patiently waiting and preparing since.  In their last several months in the States, they included me in their prayer meetings and I have never experienced anything so powerful.  To hear their heart for the people of Cambodia and their trust in God, has been unlike anything I have ever witnessed before.  And how it has overflowed into the lives of their three sons.  Wow.

Philip, Grace, and Chris have now been in Cambodia for a month.  Before they left, Philip shared with me that their fifteen year old son Chris was scared of the unknown but he knew he could trust in God.  Of course he was scared!  He’s a teenager moving to the other side of the world!

They now have a house, and Chris is getting settled in at school.  His posts are now saying that Cambodia is awesome and school is awesome.  All I have to say is that God is awesome.

This morning I woke up to an email from him in response to one that I concluded with that I was praying for his first day of school.  His response…

Thank you for the prayers, they have been met by God, and he has surely delivered them.  I’ll be waiting for you!

Wow.  His faith and his heart.  And to know how his love for Christ has transformed into a desire for the people of Cambodia to know His heavenly Father.  WOW.

Something he found and posted on his blog…

Cambodia is nothing like any other country. The culture, history, people can not be compared to. They are chosen people. They are people who rejoice in His domain. They will not be moved by any foreign presence, they will only walk by his side. The road may be dusty and the water might smell a little, but it’s still beautiful.

Pray for the Chung family!  God is using them to shine bright and they are changing lives for His Kingdom!